Travel Smart rolling survey - Corporate travel policies to shift to rail

The Travel Smart Campaign is collecting information on corporate travel policies to shift from air to rail travel. Travel Smart is a global campaign led by Transport & Environment within a coalition of partners across Europe, North America and Asia.

The Travel Smart Campaign aims to help businesses move towards purposeful travel and reduce corporate emissions, while accelerating innovation and scale-up of advances in sustainable travel and business connectivity. Simply put, it’s about flying less, while achieving more.

The campaign shows a state of the art in sustainable business travel policies, featuring good practices that can be used as inspiration and guidance for others. It aims to share stories from businesses who have already adapted and seen benefits, and to inspire companies and their employees to develop a new culture of purposeful travel, building momentum across networks to create lasting change.

With this form, we aim to better understand the actions taken by companies to shift their business trips from air to rail. In the form, you will be asked to submit answers regarding your travel policies on air and rail travel.
The information submitted will be treated by Transport & Environment. Both public and non-public sources of information will be considered. The information collected will be reviewed by T&E and your best practices will be considered for publication on the website.

Thank you for taking the time to fill in this form. Please email for any further questions.

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