
70+ companies call on the next European Commission and European Parliament to improve rail ticketing

26 de março de 2024
A empresa de consultoria Simon-Kucher juntou-se às mais de 70 empresas que assinam esta carta MDMS pedindo uma melhor emissão de bilhetes ferroviários multimodais e transfronteiriços que facilitaria a mudança do transporte aéreo para o ferroviário pelas empresas.

Many multinational companies are committed to play their part in climate mitigation and as such reducing their emissions overall including business travel emissions.

To help them achieve this goal, they need the European Commission to legislate on better ticketing and publish by the end of its year its proposal for a Regulation on Multimodal Digital Mobility Services (MDMS). The reduction of emissions from corporate travel cannot be tackled without improving multi-modal and cross-border ticketing.

One of the barriers companies face, to travel cross-border by rail, is the lack of ticket information shared by transport operators to booking platforms. They are increasingly looking for more sustainable travel options, but booking tools often can only show the flight option. To support the European Green Deal ambitions, the MDMS Regulation must enable easier booking of multimodal transport journeys involving different transport offers into a single booking. To achieve this, the EU should mandate transport operators to let all booking platforms sell their tickets under fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory conditions.

This is why the signatories of the letter are calling on the EU Commission to publish the MDMS proposal to support the effort to reduce travel emissions, giving us the opportunity to easily book the most sustainable transport modes.

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Fórum Econômico Mundial de Davos